Sunday, September 30, 2007

My first Hardware hack!

Yeah a hardware hack!
Yesterday I saw an absurd thing. When my mobile phone which was kept near a digital radio(its digital since it can be switched on and off with a press of a button) started ringing the Radio suddenly switched on! Then when I tried it for many times with some more phones, it worked!
However I don't know the reason why it happened like that. The experts reading this post could help me with it.
This can be used for many purposes both useful and destructive...

A similar thing happens with iPod also. Whenever a a mobile phone kept near a switched on iPod receives a radio signal it acts bit weired. While playing a song it just gets paused and within a jiffy gets switched off. The reason behind it..... again I don't know.
so Expert opinion in need.

After experimenting with all these I decided this was my First hardware hack!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Engineering word list 1

After completing my 1st year engineering successfully I'm posting this post which contains a random word list(with no specific order) of things which impacted my 1st year engineering the most/or mostly/or some impact . The words for if they have any add-ons are mentioned in parentheses and comments/remarks are mentioned in square brackets. So please go ahead and read the crazy list of words.....


2.Casual vacancy
3. Attendance :P[the most obvious part of any engineering student's life!]
4.HOD(ADD-ON censored on request)
5.Internals(only 2 :X )
8. VTU!
9. Results
15.Multi core processors
18.Technical seminar/s
20.iPod(iPod linux)
21. RMS
27.Pendrive linux
28.Field theory, Network analysis
38.RSS(atom feeds)
39. /.
41.Mass bunk
42. Work shop(low marks!)
43.Quiz(3rd place,no certificate!)
44.Mosquito collection (buggy!)
45. Ass(numb)
48.Nokia 1100
50.Rants(got screwed up for it!)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

India's growth hindered by yet another cricket series!

The Indian population being a die hard fan of cricket, hinders India's development by watching this hopeless game. Here's the shocking facts with statistics:

considering half of the Indian population to be watching a cricket match(of 50 overs):

50 crores(500 X 10^6 or 500 E 6)

one cricket match roughly takes place for:

8 hours

so when this population watches a cricket match for 8 hours continuously:

500 E 6 X 8=4 E 9 hours of work power is wasted!

that translates to:

168.98 E 6 equivalent days of work power waste!


462.96 E 3 equivalent years of work power waste!

Considering the "Loose all time" trend of the Indian cricket team it is not guaranteed that all these hours are *spent* happily! so the time invested is obviously a waste not only for the country's economy but also WRT the viewer who is dissatisfied at the end of the game.

And also considering pre&post match analysis and discussions some more time is wasted!

Thus a humble request to all those who watch the lotus eaters game
please help making India a developed nation atleast by 2020 with your valuable work power.

Jai Bharatha mathe

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Wild life photography!

My many day dream of becoming a wild life photographer finally came true with this picture.
This was taken near the the river side of "Kumudvathi" in Maasoor,Shivamogga Karnataka.
The best part was the Deer didn't run away seeing me. It gave a good pose so that I could get a good picture. So thank you deer!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Teja Raja now Yaksha Raja!

Yaksha as you all know was the one who questioned Dharmaraya when the Pandavas were in Vanavasa. Yaksha was the disguise of Yama Dharmaraya who wanted to test Pandavas.
Then he was the one to ask Questions, but today Teja(me!) is disguised as Yaksha who would rather tries to answer questions!
Yes , its answering.......
Recently I've become the top scorer of the tech quizzing website "boiledbeans".
Intitally when the scoring started I was in the 2nd place and tried to maintain it. But for a brief period of time I declined to the 3rd place due to some technical snags with my internet connection.
But then when i returned back after answering a question correctly I jumped to first spot!
Now as you can see in the image I'm topping the charts! But it wont be easy to maintain it. and all these hype is only short lived!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A "How to" install Linux tutorial for new a Linux enthusiast

This is an interesting post found on a Tech blog by a Linux geek Who calls himself as "Just another computer hobbyist- binary blues"
This is interesting and easy especially for New bees.
courtesy "Binary blues". For more geeky stuff visit his blog here.
Thanks a lot Binary blues.

I am going to write a very basic HowTo for those who are willing to use Linux. I assume you already know and use Windoze XP/98. Though I cannot guarantee that every concept in Linux will relate to that in windows analogically. There can be many new commands, procedures to be followed and concepts, while learning Linux for the first time.
So here it goes
First of all allocate some space for installing Linux on your hard disk. You may use this tool to resize you partition, make some free space(say 10GB) and use that free space for Linux. Discussing how to partition your hard disk is out of scope, just make some free space in your extended partition by resizing logical drives. Then you will create SWAP partition(logical) in that space which will be typically of double the size of you RAM( If your RAM is 256MB, keep your SWAP 512MB approx.) Next you will create EXT3 partition(logical) of size around 9GB(10GB-512MB). Now thats done, partitioning part is over.

Its time to decide which Linux flavor you wish to install. For the first timers, Ubuntu(Kubuntu/Xubuntu) is recommended. Though you are free to try any other flavors listed below:
Slackware ( ~ - ^ )

Download ISO image and burn it to CD/DVD. If you have very less bandwidth or limited download you can give me blank CD and I will return it to you with one of the flavors of your choice (currently I have slackware12DVD, Debian3.1CDs, Ubuntu7.04Cd, VectorLinux5.8SOHO CD etc)

Now its time to boot your install CD. Put it in drive, enable CD booting in BIOS settings and set priority to CD before your hard disk. Reboot, the CD will load its default kernel. At the boot prompt(if any) hit Enter.

Later part varies according to the flavor. In slackware installation is very straightforward if you have done partitioning beforehand. I will discuss the ubuntu method here. Most probably you will have Ubuntu Live CD, where you will get a nice GUI after booting. Click on Install icon on dektop. And just folllow the procedure. Its very simple. But at one point, it will ask about partitioning, select the option which says 'Manually set the partitioning'. Then you can assign the SWAP system on SWAP partition and the ROOT filesystem on the EXT3 partition you've just created. When the installation is complete you will probably reboot your pc and then Grub will appear on you screen. Grub is a bootloader, used for multi-booting with different OSs. Now you will have a complete Linux system with you, and surely you can play with it.

Try following tutorials for getting started with Linux,

After spending one week on command line[;-) seems adventurous] , you may like to check the GUI. For that try KDE, Gnome, XFCE and fluxbox ...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Backyard blossoms-2

Another series of Backyard blossoms.